
Payments to attend Venture South and the pre tour are to be made either by installments or in a lump sum by the due dates.

Due Date Amount Notes
On Application $ 300 Initial Deposit
30 April 2012 $ 500
30 May 2012 $ 500 Only if doing the pre tour
30 June 2012 $ 500
30 July 2012 $ 500
30 August 2012 $ 500
30 September 2012 $ 500 Only if doing the pre tour
30 October 2012 $ TBA Any remaining balance & chosen expedition fee

If a members has trouble meeting the payment schedule or making a payment, they should discuss this with the Contingent Leader.

All prices shown are in Australian Dollars.

How to make Payment

We accept payment by cheque, electronic transfer (EFT) and credit card. Credit cards attract a 1% surcharge.

EFT Details

BSB: 032090
Account: 327635
Account Name: The Scout Association of Australia – Overseas Contingent Account
Reference: You must put NZV and the applicants name as a reference so we can match the payment. The reference should look like this: “NZV John Smith”

IMPORTANT: You must notify us by email each time you make an EFT payment so it can be allocated!


Please make cheques payable to Scouts Australia and post to:
Australian Contingent - New Zealand Venture
PO Box 3401
Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841

Please write the participant’s name on the reverse side of the cheque for easier referencing. Please do not deposit cheques directly into our bank account, as it may not be referenced correctly, delaying the payment allocation.

Credit Card

Please complete this form and post to:
Australian Contingent - New Zealand Venture
PO Box 3401
Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841